Requests for proposal

Kadaster is bound by the European Procurement Directive and the 2012 Public Procurement Law.

Contracts above the European threshold

If Kadaster wishes to issue a contract above the European threshold, the tenders must be carried out in accordance with these laws and regulations.

Read the Directive 2014/24/EU

Public Procurement Law and Regulations

Kadaster is an independent administrative body that carries out tasks under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Therefore, Kadaster is a contracting authority, and all European calls for tenders issued by Kadaster are published on the TenderNed website (whether via the Negometrix platform or not). TenderNed then links the post to TED (Tenders Electronic Daily is the European digital platform for public procurement). It involves contracts with a contract value above EUR 215 000, excluding VAT (for deliveries and services). Social and other specific services are subject to the European threshold of EUR 750 000, excluding VAT. 

Companies can log in on TenderNed using eHerkenning. No eHerkenning is required for foreign companies. They can register with a username and password. The same applies to the Negometrix platform.  When European tenders are published on Negometrix, they are automatically imported into TenderNed. The TenderNed link allows companies to register on Negometrix.

Go to the site of TenderNed

Contracts below the European threshold

Contracts with an estimated value below the European thresholds do not need to be tendered at European level. For these contracts, Kadaster should take account of Chapter 1 of the 2012 Public Procurement Law, Guide on Proportionality and its own procurement and tender policy. The procurement and tender policy generally determines the amounts for which (1) a single proposal is sufficient (single limited bidding), (2) multiple proposals must be requested, or (3) the contract must still be disclosed in advance (nationally). If more than one proposal has to be requested or a prior (national) publication is necessary, the contract will be published on Negometrix and/or TenderNed. 

Terms and policies

Which terms and policies apply in our tenders? 

Terms of purchase

The General National (Procurement) Conditions (ARBIT, ARVODI and ARIV) apply to all of Kadaster’s procurements. 

Tender policy

Through our own procurement and tender policy, Kadaster implements the general principles of procurement law and of the 2012 Public Procurement Act. 

For more information on the call for tenders policy, go to: 


As a contracting authority, Kadaster assesses the integrity of the (winning) tenderer. This may, for example, take the form of grounds for exclusion. For instance, a foreign company should not be required to have a Dutch Certificate of Conduct. Via eCertis, Kadaster can check which evidence is requested in the country of origin related to grounds of exclusion. The European database eCertis contains documentary evidence for tendering and, therefore, not only for grounds of exclusion. 

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For more information please check the website of Your Europe.

Last update of this page: February 4th, 2022